From August through November 2021 we have programmed a series of walks and talks where both the management group and the membership can learn from local experts about the changing meaning of nature and consider the social histories and industrial heritage that defines this place. Each walk is presented as a discussion where everyone has a voice and can ask questions or contribute their own unique point of view to the discussion.

The Claypits Walk and Talk series is funded by Glasgow City Council.

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Please welcome Kloee Huberdeau, the Claypits first Digital Youth Artist in Residence!

We are excited to announce that we are employing Kloee Huberdeau as our first Digital Youth Artist in Residence (DYAIR). In this Heritage Lottery Funded role, Kloee will be responsible for carrying out a number of art-led activities particularly focused at engaging young people with the Claypits. These activities will include engaging physically with the site with young people, and also creating outputs that will help us enhance our digital presence. Kloee has something exciting planned for the official Claypits opening on Saturday 31st July, so please come along and meet her if you want to take part. Kloee’s role will run to 31st October 2021.

Kloee is currently undertaking a BA in Contemporary Performance Practice at the Royal Conservatoire in Glasgow. In her own words: ‘I am a multi-disciplinary artist and performer from Calgary Canada, currently based in Glasgow. The defining factor of my artistic practice is the aim to work in a variety of disciplines, both traditional and contemporary, at a professional level and with equal commitment and enthusiasm. My experience and training include the fields of musical and text-based theatre, performance creation, youth drama facilitation, drag, and visual art. I am particularly passionate about working with music and visual meaning to transform our inner worlds into the external.’

To find out more about Kloee’s project, you can contact her here: [email protected]

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Mitch Miller is a nationally recognized artist that creates illustrative maps of communities. He has worked at Lambhill Stables, the Barras, and Platform.

Mitch has been out in the community and on the land to meet those that care for this place, and want to talk about it. Developed in partnership with Glasgow Sculpture Studio, the artwork will be installed at the Ellesmere St entrance. Please navigate to our Arts, Heritage and Culture project page to learn more.

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